Anne Frank Sapling Leaf Necklace : Clinton Foundation

Anne Frank Sapling Leaf Necklace

The Leaves of Hope collection was created from a real impression of the leaves from the Anne Frank Tree sapling located on the grounds of the Clinton Presidential Center. In 2009, the Clinton Center was one of 11 entities in the United States to be awarded a young chestnut tree by the Anne Frank Center Sapling Project.The sapling was taken from the white horse chestnut tree that stood outside Anne Frank's Secret Annex when she and her family were in hiding from the Nazis during World War II. The young writer cherished and wrote about the tree frequently in her famous diary. Crafted in the United States, by VIELA Jewelry, exclusively for the Clinton Presidential Center. 

$50.00 $25.00


availability: In stock

product code:AF-NECK20
